
Family therapy (also known as family counseling) focuses on addressing challenges within a family system, helping to identify problematic behaviors and improve relationships amongst members. Family therapy provides effective tools to enhance communication, conflict management, and understanding of special family situations in order to create a better functioning home environment..
Family therapy can be used to address a wide range of presenting concerns, problems, or frustrations. Rather than each family member meeting one on one with an individual counselor, family therapy invites multiple family members to meet together to participate in the therapeutic process.
Problems within the family are often not simple. If they were, the family likely would have already found a solution and moved forward a long time ago. While frustrating and complex, family therapists have the talent to help the family move from their cycle of distress and form new, healthy patterns and boundaries.

How we can help
Problems within the family are often not simple. If they were, the family likely would have already found a solution and moved forward a long time ago. While frustrating and complex, family therapists have the talent to help the family move from their cycle of distress and form new, healthy patterns and boundaries.