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Sequoia Counseling Center

5 Action Steps for Managing Anxiety
The Good News About Managing Anxiety The good news? You can learn to manage anxiety, so it doesn’t have such a huge impact on your life...

Grieving Through the Holiday Season
For some, it’s one of the hardest. This may be their first holiday season without a significant loved one. Or, it could be the first time...

Deflecting Negative Self-talk
The Story of Negative Self-talk There are a lot of different stories we tell ourselves. For instance, we might believe we are somehow...

Five Things Happy Couples Never Do
Many things contribute to the success of a relationship. In my couples counseling work, I’ve noticed there are some things happy couples...

Anger Isn’t Always a Negative
Anger is Our Check Engine Light I see a lot of anger in my counseling practice, which is good. Anger is like the ‘Check Engine’ light on...

Four Obstacles to a Happy Relationship
happy relationship. Criticism When you criticize your partner, you are implying that you are, in some way, superior to him or her. It’s...

9 Things Every Dad Should Know
Love Their Mommies! Model what love is, be emotionally engaged, give words of affirmation, and YES, even showing affection to their...

I Do Everything and You Do Nothing
In couples therapy, I often hear stories of the wife being resentful and feeling as if she does “everything” herself around the house and...

8 Steps to Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety
3. Tell the worry to bug off. Have your child think of the worry as an annoying bug that won’t leave you alone. Picture the worry bug...

I’m Not a Control Freak, Am I?
Isn’t this so true, especially with our spouses? For example: A women requests her husband stop by the grocery store and texts him a...

Shouldn’t You…Love Yourself More!?!!
What about those that are single? February can be brutal, when bombarded with images of couples all the time. Comparisons between self...
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