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Sequoia Counseling Center

Your Best Self
Self-care in a time like this is so needed. During the holidays, I constantly watch people get angry over necessary—and sometimes...

Surviving Holiday FAQs
The holidays are really great. It’s an opportunity to get together with friends and family you haven’t seen in a while, indulge in some...

The Unwelcomed Holiday Guest
Is there a time of year that is more food focused than the November/December holiday season? The amount of food and diet talk that pops...

Winter Blues? Or are You S.A.D.?
As the weather changes and temperatures drop, sometimes our moods follow suit. Some people experience increased sadness and sluggishness...

Surviving the Holidays with Your In-Laws
As I sit here, taking a break from all the holiday baking I am responsible for this year, a sense of relief comes over me. This year, I...

So Many Books, So Little Time
Often times in my sessions, clients’ will ask me “What books can I be reading right now to help me with x-y-z?” You would think that...

Adoption Disruption
Earlier I wrote a blog post about adoption counseling, highlighting the approach taken by adoption competent counselors. As an adoption...

Quick Intimacy
Let’s be honest, if left unchecked, marriage can become monotonous. Intimacy decreases as individuals have their daily routines. Spouses...

Managing ODD
Are you the parent of a child diagnosed with ODD? Are you doing your best to parent your child with little progress? You are not alone. ...

The Scoop on Potty Training
It has been long debated when the best time to start potty training should commence. What age is most appropriate? 18 months? 24 months?...

#MeToo… I think?: Debunking Sexual Harassment Myths
If you’ve had any connection with the outside world, you have probably noticed the increased attention being given to sexual harassment. ...

What is Gay?
In continuation of my LGBTQIA+ series, I decided to go from the term with the most difficulty to the term that is the most mainstream:...

Adoption Competent Counseling
It can take a long time to find the right fit as a client looking for a counselor. Counseling is at its core a relationship, and...

What’s an Intern Looking for in a Supervisor?
You have spent years in graduate school, hours of studying, and have passed all your exams. Now you are ready to step out of the student...

What is a Supervisor Looking for in an Intern?
I remember being so excited when I finally found out that my full license had been processed and published! This was before the State...

Let’s Play a Love Game
The game of love is tough. Two different players, with different strengths and different skill sets. In a relationship, sometimes it can...

I’m Coming Out
October is a wonderful month to be prideful as it houses both National Coming Out Day which is on October 11th along with LGBTQIA+...

Listen To Me!
It’s come to my attention lately that all of us get berated daily with negative and destructive messages about ourselves. Sometimes, we...

The Self-Harming Teen
Reasons for Self-Harm Non Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI, or self-harm) is direct and deliberate destruction of one’s own body tissue in the...

Parenting: Mom Vs. Dad
How many different parenting styles do you think a Google search can come up with? There seems to be four styles most talked about:...
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