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Sequoia Counseling Center
You Don’t Have To Wait For Things to Get “That Bad”
Despite his success, he reported that he has struggled with both anxiety and depression for most of his life. Michael made the decision...
What’s the Big Deal About Journaling?
Manage Stress and Anxiety Much like writing a letter to someone but never sending it, expressing your thoughts and feelings on paper can...
Letting Go of Control
Lately, I’ve been struggling with control, particularly the inability to control others. After weeks of trying to force specific...
The hardest step is when you realize that you are unfamiliar with the true you. This is when you initially realize that the person you...
Those Attractive Nuisances
A landowner may be liable for injuries to children who trespass on his or her land if the injury results from a hazardous object on the...
It’s OK To Not Be OK
Here’s the thing that keeps me pushing forward. I’ve finally told myself that it’s ok to not be ok. Not every day is going to be all...
Marriage Reboot: Keys to Sustaining a Long, Healthy Relationship
Twenty-two. That’s how many years of marriage I have under my belt. I met my husband while I was a senior in high school. I can remember...
Dear Tired Momma…
Don’t forget to take care of yourself! 6 SIMPLE self-care ideas for a busy (tired) momma Balancing work, being at home with my little one...
What can you do to support someone living with depression?
Depression is not easy. It is complicated and different for each person who struggles with it. Sometimes, I wonder if people really...
When Your Therapist Sucks
Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case in most service oriented professions…including mental health. I get it. It’s probably a faux...
Accepting Emotions
Now how many of those times have you truly been successful in suppressing that emotion and moving on? Or has the case been that you try...
Youth Mental Health Issues: Helping Your Child Experience Success At School
Are you tired of getting those dreaded phone calls from your child’s teacher or principal or school counselor? What has Timmy done now?...
Self-Improvement Month: Becoming BETTER Week-by-Week
Week 1: Mentality Sit back and evaluate how you feel about yourself. Do you get down on yourself because you don’t finish your to-do list...
Happy Wife, Happy Life: Wife Appreciation Day
Write a love note. Written notes will never go out of style. Nowadays, it seems like half of the interaction in marriage is through...
Living a Life of Gratitude
It’s true. Multiple areas of your life can be enhanced and improved just by simply expressing gratitude. Gratitude, as defined by...
How to Survive Becoming an Empty Nester
Part 2: Thriving vs. Surviving the Empty Nest The tough part of becoming an empty nester is over! You have already taken a ride on that...
Stress is Contagious! It’s Contagious!
I thought about what he said and felt that he had a solid point. Unfortunately, bad attitudes, poor work efforts, lack of direction,...
How to Beat the Monday Blues
Mindfulness Mindfulness is a great option when attempting to combat Monday Blues. If we try to ground ourselves in the present and enjoy...
The Art of Good Sex
“Our bedroom life is boring.” “I don’t enjoy making love anymore.” These are words I have heard spoken in a session with couples. Here’s...
Am I Good Enough? How Far Does the Impact of Cyberbullying Go?
As I was browsing through my Facebook, I noticed a status that was disturbing- but not shocking in anyway. Someone posted: “If a girl is...
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