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Sequoia Counseling Center
Self Love
1 Corinthians 13:4-5 New International Version (NIV) states that, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it...
Newlyweds Guide to Your First Holiday Together
Newlyweds, don’t relax just yet. You are still in for a ride after the wedding day! As you start on the delicate, sometimes frustrating,...
What Is Sand Tray Therapy?
The Elements of Sand Tray There are seven elements involved in the sand tray process. They are: sand, symbols, water, the client’s...
When things are busy in one area of our life, we sometimes fall behind in other areas. Daylight savings reminded me about how important...
Is Your Marriage Child-Centered?
Disclaimer: I very much believe kids are a blessing and we should involve them in activities that nurture their soul and builds...
Raise Your Standards
I had to prioritize my time. Missing multiple workouts was not something I would tolerate any longer. Looking back, it wasn’t just...
Finding Inspiration and Hope in Harry Potter
Struggling with mental health is something that many people deal with. One common coping mechanism people use is reading, because it...
Figuring Out Life
These are common occurrences if you have been identifying yourself based on your job, social organization, your family’s opinion, or your...
Weaken Your Inner Critic
We all have an inner critic that leads us to be insecure. Some have an inner critic that is loud, overwhelming, and that influences daily...
Make Your Marriage Stronger by Asking for Less
I promise to be your lover, companion, and friend. Your partner in parenthood, ally in conflict, greatest fan, toughest...
Be Calm! Combating Negative Self-Talk
So often, we find ourselves in a pattern of negative thinking. Thoughts quickly escalate from “Dang it, I messed that up” to “you’re a...
Let The Fight Happen
The “honeymoon” phase floats on by and then BAM! You guys find yourself in the midst of your first fight. The first fight can be...
What does transgender mean?
To begin, what is the difference between sex and gender? Sex is the physical biological traits that distinguish between male and female....
The Healing Power of Tears
Tears are the body’s release of stress, sadness, grief, anxiety, and frustration. Crying purges the body of pent up emotion, pain, and...
Help! How Do I Survive My Monster-In-Law?!
Set firm boundaries. You may not mind when your father-in-law offers parenting advice from his decades of experience. On the other hand,...
Back On The Market
Gain Clarity Relationships are difficult. I advise that you make sure you are ready to date again. The worst thing you can do is go on a...
When You Hate Your Spouse
Here’s how unprepared I was. When we did pre-marital counseling, our counselor told me I wouldn’t always feel ‘warm fuzzies’ for my wife....
Disability Awareness Month
Growing up with a sister with Spina Bifida gave me the opportunity to witness firsthand what living with a disability entails. I watched...
No Means No
I don’t think there is any good way to talk about this, so let’s just dive right in. I’m talking about consent! As a parent, about a...
Domestic Violence: A Real Ghost Story and How You Can Help
This is a real monster that many people are facing every day. For domestic abuse victims, everyday life can be lonely, isolated, and...
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