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Sequoia Counseling Center
Fighting for Your Marriage
Fighting Fair So often, I hear people talk about how they wish they had a perfect relationship, where they don’t fight with their...
Are You Married to Your Best Friend?
Why Becoming Your Spouse’s Best Friend is the Ultimate Marriage Goal In our lifetime, we’ll spend more time with our partner/spouse than...
Help for Childhood Anxiety
It’s not uncommon for parents to encounter anxiety in their children. All of us suffer from some level of anxiety at some point in our...
Living With an Anxious Partner
Steps to Take When Living with an Anxious Partner Honor your partner’s boundaries. People struggling with anxiety often experience...
Anger Isn’t Always a Negative
Anger is Our Check Engine Light I see a lot of anger in my counseling practice, which is good. Anger is like the ‘Check Engine’ light on...
Four Obstacles to a Happy Relationship
happy relationship. Criticism When you criticize your partner, you are implying that you are, in some way, superior to him or her. It’s...
8 Steps to Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety
3. Tell the worry to bug off. Have your child think of the worry as an annoying bug that won’t leave you alone. Picture the worry bug...
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