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Sequoia Counseling Center
Boundaries: Why In The World Are They Important?
You take on the blame for something that is not your fault. You feel frustration or resentment about how others treat you. You experience...

How to Love Yourself (when struggling with mental illness)
Struggling with mental illness can be a destructive process. We pick ourselves apart, judge ourselves, over-analyze every move we make...

8 Strategies to Show Yourself Some Love: Learning the Art of Self-Care as a Teenager
Sometimes, however, life causes us to have larger holes than normal. Maybe the holes in our bucket come from more significant stress or...

Ways for Parents to Decrease Stress and Increase Positivity Amidst the Chaos of Covid-19
The struggle is real! You are not alone. Here are 5 things to consider that will keep you on the path to a healthier, happier...

Why “Thankful Season” Should Last All Year Long in Your Relationship: Part 2
You can more easily recall the things your partner has done that upset you than the things your partner does that you appreciate. I’ve...

Living Vicariously Through Your Child
To live vicariously through your child often means to push your own ambitions onto your offspring in order to gain a feeling of success...

Turning Our “Yes” Into a “Hell, Yes” by Saying it Less Often
We are getting into holiday season! Enter in the excited butterflies and overall groans as we wince under the weight of additional...

The Back-to-School Reset
Set the tone. Parents wear many hats. A parent fulfills every role in the home from peacemaker to entertainer to chef. It is because of...

Pay Attention To Me…. Also, Give Me Space!
What are the Nine Emotional Needs? A quick review, the nine emotional needs are: security, volition, attention, emotional connection,...

To those who have lost someone to suicide,
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Initially, you may appreciate the statistics and the acknowledgment. When the month...

How to Support Someone Going Through An Emotionally Difficult Time: Tea and Honey – Part Two
Loving someone comes with high and low days. Loving someone with a chronic condition or someone going through an extended difficult time...

The Sandwich Generation
The Sandwich Generation is a generation of people who care for their aging parents while supporting their own children. According to the...

How To Appropriately Utilize Rewards and Punishments
The theme for focusing on solutions is: What is the problem and what is the solution? Children are excellent problem solvers and have...

Why Your Relationship is Stealthily Unhealthy
Criticism is an attack that dismantles your partner. When we think of unhealthy relationships, we often think of the extremes, such as...

Symbiosis: The Empath and the Narcissist
You may feel as if your purpose in this life is to facilitate the healing of others. You emotionally feed and water others to watch them...

Your Spouse Is Inadequate
This expectation (conscious or subconscious) that your spouse is going to be able to magically fulfill all of your emotional needs will...

Bottling Up Emotions
In some ways, we are like the glass water bottle and our emotions are the water. It is not uncommon to bottle up uncomfortable emotions...

Givers, Takers, and Matchers
Givers Common questions heard from a giver are, “What can I do for you?” or “How can I help?” They are always looking for ways to take...

Mindfulness and Resolutions
Resolutions Recently, I was sitting around my fire pit in the backyard with a few friends. We were chatting about all the great things we...

Newlyweds Guide to Your First Holiday Together
Newlyweds, don’t relax just yet. You are still in for a ride after the wedding day! As you start on the delicate, sometimes frustrating,...

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