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Sequoia Counseling Center
Women's Mental Health
Mental health as a whole is a largely discussed topic at this current moment in time. We have come a long way in how we view mental...

Trying New Things (In Life + In Therapy!) and Trusting the Process
My “Try Something New” Experience: A Hate-Love Relationship w/ Yoga OK, full disclosure from your therapist: I used to not be a fan of...

Finding the Courage to be Vulnerable
“Daring greatly means the courage to be vulnerable. It means to show up and be seen. To ask for what you need. To talk about how you’re...

Love Hurts: 4 Reasons Why You May Be Holding onto a Toxic Relationship
When it comes to toxic relationships, holding on instead of letting go is, more often than not, the norm. The strength that it takes to...

When Your Spouse is on the Virus Front Lines – To the Spouses of First Responders and Healthcare Wor
Focus on Community Isolation and loneliness is a huge thing happening for you right now. You see your friends getting quarantined with...

“Into the Unknown”: Welcoming the Interruptions
If you are like me, you cried watching Frozen and were unnecessarily excited to hear that Frozen II was available for streaming NOW!...

5 Easy Ways to Start to Find “Normal”
So let’s implement some structure! Easy right? (Um…wrong!) Each time I’ve tried to step back and figure out how to incorporate structure...

Senior Year Sadness: Missing Anticipated Milestones of High School
There is anxiety about the unknown of when/if school will resume before graduation season. There is also fear that there may not be a...

During These Scary Times, I Hope You’re Taking Care of Yourself: Coronavirus and Reducing Anxiety
According to The Depression Project, this is why the coronavirus is triggering mental health issues: Triggers feelings of hopelessness,...

Finding Peace When the World Around Us Feels Out of Control
Although most of us have never experienced a pandemic, you have no doubt experienced hardship. And the reality is that while we may...

First Responder and COVID19
I grew up in a healthcare/first responder family and am still in one with my husband being a first responder. It’s a difficult place to...

A Deeper Look Into Grief and Loss
Loss is an inevitable part of life, and grief is a natural part of the healing process. The grieving process is not linear, and looks...

Becoming a Stepfamily: Delivered and Redeemed
Dysfunctional is the “Norm” Many stepfamilies or pre-stepfamily couples discuss a certain level of guilt or shame that accompany their...

How Radical Acceptance (and not Approval) Will Help You Get Through It
Radical acceptance means acknowledging reality for what it is – pleasant and unpleasant, wholly. In this case, acceptance is not...

Grieving What Once Was: So, Are We Still Friends?
Pick Up Where We Left Off This is what basically happened to someone I still deem a great friend. I hoped that our friendship would pick...

“Am I Mad or Just Hungry?” – How Not To Light Everything On Fire When Your Physica
However… these needs are basically non-existent for some. How many of us feel like we are constantly running in the negative with one,...

Surviving Cabin Fever – You Don’t Have To Strangle Everyone While Being Safe
Being quarantined, whether self regulated or government mandated, is never fun. Since we are in Houston, we are used to hiding away for a...

Stop Being a Control Freak!
As a bit of a control freak myself, I may be a little biased here, but being a control freak isn’t all bad! Another way to look at it is...

How To: Use DBT Skill DEARMAN to Communicate Effectively
Uncomfortable emotions and/or a general lack of skill to put thoughts and feelings into perspective- let alone words- often get in the...

4 Tips to Help You Make Friends as an Adult (Because it’s Hard!)
Being an avid gym-goer, I see many faces at the gym. For the most part, everyone keeps to themselves, but you start to recognize more...

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