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Sequoia Counseling Center
When Asking "What If" Makes Grief Even Harder
“What if I had called one more time just to check in? What if he didn’t know how loved he was before he died? What if she would not have...

The repressed path within our own brain
I was introduced to the concept of trauma and repressed memory during middle school when one of my close friends got very sick. At the...

Zoned Out: The Spectrum of Dissociation
Have you ever “come to” during a conversation with someone, only to realize you have no idea what they’ve been saying? What about driving h

After Beating Cancer, I Wanted to Die
Someone can say or do something to you one time in your life, and it can stay with you for the rest of your life. To this day, I can see...

Acknowledging Our Suffering
Elisabeth Elliot defines suffering as “having something you don’t want or wanting something you don’t have” in her book Suffering is...

Experiencing Information Fatigue? Creating intentional boundaries around what we look at and listen
The information we input has impacts on what we output. In this day and age of a pandemic, racial tension, an upcoming election, and even...

Overcoming the Fear of Change
How do you respond to change? Do you embrace it with all that you have or do you avoid it at all costs? Can I be honest with you? ...

Being OK with Surviving
While these dystopian images may seem not far fetched for some, being in survival mode may encompass far more than just these extremes....

Jesus and Anxiety: faith and struggle are not mutually exclusive
And I also struggle. I am no stranger to fear and worry and anxiety. For years I was told things like “just trust God more” and “worry is...

A New Normal? Navigating Feelings About the World Opening Back Up.
But after all the figuring out a new normal, now we are opening back up. Many of us are going back into offices, many of us are spending...

How to Continue: Embracing the New Normal
I have a friend with two elementary school-aged boys. The other day, the boys woke up and requested that their mother pack their lunches...

Tackling Family Challenges: A teen’s guide to surviving and thriving in the midst of conflict
For many of us, we are spending more time with our immediate family than ever before. Sometimes inevitably more time can equal more...

Can Kids Learn Mindfulness? 6 tips on how to do just that!
If you would like to help your child achieve mindfulness, take a look at the suggestions below to get started. Morning Mindfulness...

How Internal Dialogue Influences Your Daily Life
Why would that be important, you ask? It’s important because, your thought process highly influences your moods and your behaviors....

How to: Effectively handle crisis situations using Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Skills
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based practice which uses a holistic mind-body approach to treatment. It encompasses...

Vicarious Trauma
While there are signs you or a person you know may be dealing with vicarious trauma, everyone copes differently. If you notice any of...

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