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Sequoia Counseling Center
A Story of Resilience
A fun fact about me is that I am an avid reader. In almost every book I pick up, there is a consistent basic plotline: the protagonist...

Beyond the Mask: Discussing Masking in Neurodivergency
Halloween is my favorite holiday of all time, beating out even Christmas in my book. Ever since childhood, I have enjoyed celebrating the...

I feel lost. How can I help my child?
I often hear parents say: “We have tried everything, yet nothing seems to be working!” during that first initial intake appointment....

4 Things Your Tween Wants You to Know (And Do!)
Transitioning from parenting a young child to parenting a tween can have its challenges, but keeping an open mind and learning to be more...

Seventeen and Soul Searching
A teenager I used to mentor, who for privacy purposes will be referred to as Jason, was at the time a seventeen-year-old male in a...

Does my teen have anxiety? : What to look for and how to help
Many teens are struggling with high levels of anxiety without anyone knowing. You might wonder how this is possible. Teens are experts in...

Is my kid getting worse? : Stages in Play Therapy
I totally empathize. You noticed a while ago that your kid has been really struggling with some things, so you decided to start therapy...

Jesus and Anxiety: faith and struggle are not mutually exclusive
And I also struggle. I am no stranger to fear and worry and anxiety. For years I was told things like “just trust God more” and “worry is...

Tackling Family Challenges: A teen’s guide to surviving and thriving in the midst of conflict
For many of us, we are spending more time with our immediate family than ever before. Sometimes inevitably more time can equal more...

Supporting Your Teen Through the Quarantine
As we have learned to navigate our current reality as adults, we also have the opportunity to walk our teenagers through this quarantine...

Can Kids Learn Mindfulness? 6 tips on how to do just that!
If you would like to help your child achieve mindfulness, take a look at the suggestions below to get started. Morning Mindfulness...

8 Strategies to Show Yourself Some Love: Learning the Art of Self-Care as a Teenager
Sometimes, however, life causes us to have larger holes than normal. Maybe the holes in our bucket come from more significant stress or...

“Into the Unknown”: Welcoming the Interruptions
If you are like me, you cried watching Frozen and were unnecessarily excited to hear that Frozen II was available for streaming NOW!...

5 Easy Ways to Start to Find “Normal”
So let’s implement some structure! Easy right? (Um…wrong!) Each time I’ve tried to step back and figure out how to incorporate structure...

Senior Year Sadness: Missing Anticipated Milestones of High School
There is anxiety about the unknown of when/if school will resume before graduation season. There is also fear that there may not be a...

During These Scary Times, I Hope You’re Taking Care of Yourself: Coronavirus and Reducing Anxiety
According to The Depression Project, this is why the coronavirus is triggering mental health issues: Triggers feelings of hopelessness,...

Finding Peace When the World Around Us Feels Out of Control
Although most of us have never experienced a pandemic, you have no doubt experienced hardship. And the reality is that while we may...

A Deeper Look Into Grief and Loss
Loss is an inevitable part of life, and grief is a natural part of the healing process. The grieving process is not linear, and looks...

How Radical Acceptance (and not Approval) Will Help You Get Through It
Radical acceptance means acknowledging reality for what it is – pleasant and unpleasant, wholly. In this case, acceptance is not...

Surviving Cabin Fever – You Don’t Have To Strangle Everyone While Being Safe
Being quarantined, whether self regulated or government mandated, is never fun. Since we are in Houston, we are used to hiding away for a...

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