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Sequoia Counseling Center
How to Continue: Embracing the New Normal
I have a friend with two elementary school-aged boys. The other day, the boys woke up and requested that their mother pack their lunches...

Making Mental Health a Priority in the Midst of Financial Uncertainty
Whether you are heading towards retirement, are a young person just starting out in life, or are somewhere in-between, financial...

Conversations in Isolation
Unprecedented stressors The other day, the price of oil broke a historic record (and not in a good way). For the first time in history,...

Tackling Family Challenges: A teen’s guide to surviving and thriving in the midst of conflict
For many of us, we are spending more time with our immediate family than ever before. Sometimes inevitably more time can equal more...

Supporting Your Teen Through the Quarantine
As we have learned to navigate our current reality as adults, we also have the opportunity to walk our teenagers through this quarantine...

Can Kids Learn Mindfulness? 6 tips on how to do just that!
If you would like to help your child achieve mindfulness, take a look at the suggestions below to get started. Morning Mindfulness...

How Internal Dialogue Influences Your Daily Life
Why would that be important, you ask? It’s important because, your thought process highly influences your moods and your behaviors....

How To: Use DBT Skill: DEAR MAN to Communicate Effectively
DBT Skill: DEAR MAN teaches how to communicate effectively. These skills may be used to communicate wants/needs, as well as set...

8 Strategies to Show Yourself Some Love: Learning the Art of Self-Care as a Teenager
Sometimes, however, life causes us to have larger holes than normal. Maybe the holes in our bucket come from more significant stress or...

“Into the Unknown”: Welcoming the Interruptions
If you are like me, you cried watching Frozen and were unnecessarily excited to hear that Frozen II was available for streaming NOW!...

5 Easy Ways to Start to Find “Normal”
So let’s implement some structure! Easy right? (Um…wrong!) Each time I’ve tried to step back and figure out how to incorporate structure...

A Letter to My Clients That Are Mothers
Safe Sanctuary Your stories have filled the therapy room with tears, anxiety, and anger as you bravely enter into vulnerability sitting...

Dear Mama: A Letter of Recognition & Encouragement
So, no one told you life would be this…wait. Let me restart. So, you became a mother? Perhaps while preparing for motherhood, you...

Vicarious Trauma
While there are signs you or a person you know may be dealing with vicarious trauma, everyone copes differently. If you notice any of...

Caring for the Mess-Maker
That’s when it hit me. My heart was moved in that mundane moment. I care about the mess-maker. I want to work with him; to care for his...

Tolerance to Pain Works Both Ways
Unfortunately, the track around this pond is one of those paths covered with small pebbles. It is inevitable that a small rock always...

The Silent Killer
Not convinced? Here are some results from research posted on the campaigns website: Loneliness likely increases your risk of death by...

Breaking Up is Hard to Do
The end of a relationship is complicated. In some way or another your future, present, and past have collided together all at once. You...

Life Balance versus Giving 100%
Life Balance Imagine you have an empty cup and that you could fill it with five different kinds of juice to make a fancy juice blend....

Learning To Say “No”
“Sure, I’ll help you with that.” “Yes, I’ll do that for you.” “No problem at all.” “No, I don’t mind.” Does this sound familiar to you? ...

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