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Sequoia Counseling Center
Why Connection is Vital to Kids AND Parents
Parenting is hard. Exhausting. Confusing. Exasperating. Lonely. Even with all those adjectives, that’s an incredible understatement. I...

The Importance of Teaching Children About Emotions
Our society focuses so much on behaviors that feelings tend to be mostly neglected. Think of all of the things you’ve talked to your...

Holiday Overwhelm: Tantrums and Challenging Behaviors
For most children the end of the year is usually a time of great excitement and joy, lots of gifts and treats, visits with extended...

I feel lost. How can I help my child?
I often hear parents say: “We have tried everything, yet nothing seems to be working!” during that first initial intake appointment....

Help Yourself Help Your Child: How to Bridge the Developing Brain
Have you ever found yourself wondering why you responded to a situation the way you did? Yes? Me too. I would even argue that I do it...

When your child is struggling try to slow. it. down.
Consider the following scenarios. You are trying to get out the door in the morning, already running ten minutes late, and your...

An Ode to Playfulness
I saw the lava on the floor, bubbling and hurling its molting hot liquid from the couch to the coffee table. I could not let it touch me....

Is my kid getting worse? : Stages in Play Therapy
I totally empathize. You noticed a while ago that your kid has been really struggling with some things, so you decided to start therapy...

The Struggle Is Real: Navigating the Unknown as the School Year Approaches
As the mother of four young children, my husband and I have spent a lot of time lately considering our options, attempting to arrive at a...

Supporting Your Teen Through the Quarantine
As we have learned to navigate our current reality as adults, we also have the opportunity to walk our teenagers through this quarantine...

Can Kids Learn Mindfulness? 6 tips on how to do just that!
If you would like to help your child achieve mindfulness, take a look at the suggestions below to get started. Morning Mindfulness...

Ways for Parents to Decrease Stress and Increase Positivity Amidst the Chaos of Covid-19
The struggle is real! You are not alone. Here are 5 things to consider that will keep you on the path to a healthier, happier...

What Is Sand Tray Therapy?
The Elements of Sand Tray There are seven elements involved in the sand tray process. They are: sand, symbols, water, the client’s...

Can Play Be Therapy?
The practice of play therapy dates back to the early 1900’s. Almost every theoretical orientation such as Adlerian, Jungian, Gestalt,...

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