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Sequoia Counseling Center
Can Kids Learn Mindfulness? 6 tips on how to do just that!
If you would like to help your child achieve mindfulness, take a look at the suggestions below to get started. Morning Mindfulness...

How to: Effectively handle crisis situations using Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Skills
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based practice which uses a holistic mind-body approach to treatment. It encompasses...

Ways for Parents to Decrease Stress and Increase Positivity Amidst the Chaos of Covid-19
The struggle is real! You are not alone. Here are 5 things to consider that will keep you on the path to a healthier, happier...

When Your Toddler’s Big Emotions Give You Big Emotions!
A couple months ago I shared a post on my Instagram (@realtalkandrainbowscounseling – you should follow me!) about bringing my toddler in...

Parents Having Confident Conversations
Whenever I am in session, doing a group talk, or casually speaking with parents, the frequently asked question starts with these curious...

Dear Mama: A Letter of Recognition & Encouragement
So, no one told you life would be this…wait. Let me restart. So, you became a mother? Perhaps while preparing for motherhood, you...

An Open Letter To The Parents of My Child and Adolescent Clients
But do you ever wonder what goes on in my head at the end of the day when I go home after working with your child? Do you wonder how I...

Living Vicariously Through Your Child
To live vicariously through your child often means to push your own ambitions onto your offspring in order to gain a feeling of success...

Self Care in 5 Minutes or Less for the Busy Mom
When it came time to write this article, my partner asked me what felt alive for me in life at the moment. My response? “Sleep!” Self...

The Unavoidable Guilt of Screen Time
Child on cell phone As the parent of two preschoolers, it often feels like parental guilt is a staple in my day-to-day routines. I feel...

Caring for the Mess-Maker
That’s when it hit me. My heart was moved in that mundane moment. I care about the mess-maker. I want to work with him; to care for his...

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